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Waltons Jewellers & Goldsmiths



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    Ells Marie img 5

    I took a necklace back to be cleaned and fixed and it has came back like brand new! Lots of great advice also.

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    CA W img 5

    Mr Walton is a highly skilled and experienced jeweller. I had a ring made from scratch, working loosely from a photo, I couldn't be happier with it and the cost was very reasonable This was my second purchase from Waltons, having had another ring made 18years ago. Both are treasured. Highly recommend.

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    James Turner img 5

    They did a fantastic job on the ring repair and resizing, all for a reasonable price and quick turnaround. Friendly and professional service. I would recommend.

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    Krystyna Ward img 1

    I have experienced rudeness in the past from one assignment but I put it behind me.This time it started when I took in a pearl necklace to be restrung.I picked it up and it looked fine, even commenting that the clasp looked sparkly.When I got home I found they were not cleaned to my liking.I phoned to check that a clean was included in the service,and was told yes ,I was told that they would need to see the pearls before anything could be done.I thanked her and said I would return which I did shortly afterwards. After showing her my necklace she took them to the back of the shop when I heard the jeweller say "if it's the necklace I'm thinking of" (I knew then that he was upset). To my mind he had an intimidating manner, very much like a bully.He was on the defense straight away, no greeting. The necklace was Very dirty and had to be soaked and scrubbed, and the string fell apart, when I pointed out that they were to be restrung anyway,he came back at me with each pearl had to be re-drilled and did I know how long a job like that takes? It's a free service,if anymore time was spent on them an extra charge would have been made.I did say that if someone had explained I would have understood,then I was given a lecture then about pearls should be restrung every three years.I did point out I brought them at an auction.I don't like confrontation and in my feeble state I said that I could use a brush and clean them myself,he said yes and went back to his workshop,no goodbye and thank you for your business.I was left in the shop with his young assistant who didn't say a word.I turned round and left the shop with my tail between my legs feeling humiliated.How dare I take my necklace back. Before lockdown I came in the shop for advice on how to clean my pearls & was told the best way was to have them restrung and the pearls would be cleaned as well.Nobody told me if the pearls were too dirty and took too long the job would be abandoned.I wasn't given the opportunity to pay the extra cost. Customer service is the act of providing support to both prospective and existing customers I would advise customers to check any work done closely.May 2021

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    John Ockerby img 1

    Do not use these rude obnoxious people. Simple glass replacement has effectively written off my watch. Went in with broken glass but working perfectly, came out with new glass and broken movement. "It must have been like that when you left it" is their only response. 100% guarantee it wasn't buy as I trusted them to look after my valuable watch I do not have any proof. Once they have your money they don't care