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Mandarin Language Lessons



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    harrymtg img 5

    I learned basic Mandarin on Duolingo for 8 months before working with Ogla. My confidence speaking, listening and reading have improved greatly and the resources she has provided me are so good I stopped using Duolingo and exclusively use recommended material! Definitely recommend.

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    Mick Johnson img 5

    I have tried several Chinese Language tutors mostly native Chinese. Olga’s abilities far surpass any of the previous tutors. Her competence in BOTH Chinese and English, spoken and written, is second to none. Someone who can teach both Chinese and English to this level is extremely rare and I feel very fortunate to be her student. What a find!! Mick Johnson

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    Alena Ilina img 5

    My daughter (she is 7 years old) has really enjoyed learning Mandarin lessons with Olga. She motivated her in a positive way. She is very nice. I would recommend her to anyone who needs support with Mandarin language.

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    Carlos Civera-Barranco img 5

    Our son loves his mandarin lessons. Olga connects very well with him and he's making very good progress!

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    Salisha Baptiste img 5

    Olga is knowledgable and diligent. I thoroughly enjoy our lessons each week. I would highly recommend her!