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Reading Lola Lo



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    Hannah Russell img 3

    Bouncers wouldn't accept PASS card as proof of age. Also they only took cash for on the door tickets and cloakroom. When i finally got in after showing a photo of my passport it was quite nice inside - music and drinks were good. Lovely interior as well. No outdoor smoking area.

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    Hector Chetwynd img 2

    Was escorted from the club for no reason, my friends later told me they do that to make room for new guests so fair enough I guess. Waiting outside the club for my friends the bouncers repeatedly pushed me and told me to move, I stood my ground and didn't react, the bouncer asked for my ID, which I obliged, and now I'm flagged from all clubs for gang violence. I've tried contacting LoLaLos on email, and phone, to sort this out. If any employees of LoLaLos are reading this, please contact me so we can sort this out reasonably, I took a picture of the bouncer in questions ID, and I don't blame the club it's self. I only blame door supervisor 1012 8432 6347 1943

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    Stupilan Rajasingam img 1

    The most racist club I've ever dealt with. Was a brown man got kicked out for jumping while dancing. Would not recommend as the staff are horrible and the bouncers are worse. Do not go here.

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    Georgina Bergin img 1

    Literal worst night of my life. ‘Arctic monkeys night’ played about 2 songs and then played Cotten eyed joe. Overpriced drinks not worth the money. Only good stuff was outside and they wouldn’t even change the music up from generic house music!! Bare minimum go to any other club and explore don’t waste your money.

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    Hazza img 2

    Can’t comment on inside of club as we never made it in. 2 friends were “too drunk” to go in but they said if we emailed them we could get our tickets refunded. That was nice so emailed the following day - no reply. Then chased and said can someone help. I got a reply but probably only because I didn’t explain the issue in my follow up email. Then replied and re-explained the issue and never heard back from them again. Would have preferred it if they hadn’t offered a refund if they don’t go through with it.